Terms and conditions for SPRING15 voucher code
1. Voucher code SPRING15 should be applied at the checkout for a 15% discount on the session fee only on a first therapy session booked through harleytherapy.com.
2. Voucher code SPRING15 is valid from 21/02/25-31/3/25 only (GMT).
3. Voucher code is not transferable.
4. Voucher code discount is not applicable to other costs associated with attending your first session, including the platform service charge.
5. Voucher code is only valid for use once per person.
6. Voucher code does not have any monetary value and is not redeemable for cash.
7. Voucher code cannot be used in conjunction with any other vouchers or discounts.
8. Voucher code can be used by new customers only.